Dane Petty

Dane Petty moved at age 7 with his mother and brothers to Aledo. He was saved at First Baptist Aledo at age 12 but, out of shyness and fear of getting hugs from lots of adults in his church, Dane put off baptism until he was 16. A part-time job with an investment company turned into a career that is still going strong 19 years later. He is now the chief operating and compliance officer with OverRidge Wealth Advisors in Fort Worth. Upon his post-college move to Fort Worth, his mother urged him to get involved in a men’s Bible Study and a local church. Dane’s subsequent involvement with Bible Study Fellowship led to his joining Travis with his then-new bride, Chelsea.

Dane’s first service role at Travis was working with Upward Basketball. He was then invited to teach youth, where he and Chelsea were 11th-grade leaders. Now they teach the Young Marrieds small group. Dane was elected as a deacon, serves on the nominating committee, and has helped with The Christmas Store and other ministries. And he’s committed to discipleship: he is currently being discipled by a good friend at work and has a heart for discipleship with Travis students and other men the Lord has placed in his life. Dane and Chelsea have four children: Will, Miranda, Sam, and Olivia.