Charlie Erwin
Charlie Erwin was raised in Fort Worth and was saved in 1993. He was deeply involved in Young Life at Paschal High School, where his faith began to grow under the guidance of several adult leaders. In college at West Point, Charlie faced many of the same struggles Christian students face, but his YL leaders continued to reach out and challenge him. They continued to challenge him to grow after he graduated with a degree in mathematics, trained as a Ranger, and ultimately deployed twice to Iraq.
In 2005, Charlie married Dr. Jamie Walker Erwin, who grew up at Travis. In 2008 Charlie left the Army, and the Erwins moved to Birmingham, Alabama, where Jamie did her residency in obstetrics and gynecology. Charlie also earned a second undergrad degree plus a master’s degree from the University of Alabama-Birmingham in civil engineering and construction management. In 2012 they moved back to Fort Worth and joined Travis. Charlie has been deeply involved as a Bible Study Fellowship leader, leader in Travis’ Call of the Wild sportsman’s ministry and, taking on some Bible teaching assignments. He also has served on the boards of the local Young Life organization and ROCK (Refuge Outfitters for Christ Kingdom) which provides Christian hunting and outdoor experiences for deserving youth. Charlie and Jamie have two children, Georgia and Henry. Charlie is a project manager at Freese and Nichols.