Travis Avenue wants you to know God and walk alongside others who long for Him.

Sojourning is a tool to know where to begin and how to ask the right questions when we read the Bible, either in groups or in our own personal study.

This semester, there will be options of different reading plans for you to pick to go through with your sojourn group. Grab one or two others and meet weekly to study God’s Word and encourage each other.

Sojourn bookmarks will be available around the church. These walk you through the HEAR method of reading and interpreting the Bible. This method can be used in sojourn groups or in your personal study.



In this 8-week reading plan, study Acts as we focus on a different individual each week who lived out their faith during the days of the early church.


Study the entire book of Ephesians in this 10-week reading plan. Dive into Paul’s letter that explores truths of God’s redemptive work in Christ and how the Church is to be unified amongst a divided world.


Explore God’s beautiful, miraculous story of salvation through this 14-week reading plan. In this reading plan, you will walk through passages of the Bible that point to the foundations of salvation. This is a great reading plan to go through with a friend or coworker who does not know Christ.

The life and teachings of jesus

Read passages from all four Gospels to see what Jesus said and did during his life on Earth in this 14-week reading plan.

Prayers in the bible

Study multiple prayers throughout the Old and New Testament in this 14-week reading plan.