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A one-year residency at Travis Avenue Baptist Church that focuses. on a three-prong approach that deals with one’s relationship

with God, the local church, and outreach to the community (Up, In, Out).

Intended outcomes:

  • A healthy personal relationship with Christ (Up) 

  • Practical theological training for ministry (Up) 

  • An action plan for caring for oneself and family within the ministry (Up) 

  • Leadership experience in a community/outreach ministry (Out) 

  • Leadership experience in a dedicated church ministry (In) 

  • Experience in the steps to planting a church (Out/In)  

  • A clear picture of the administrative and logistical needs of ministry (In). 

  • Develop a strategic ministry plan for continued growth in well-rounded ministry (Up, Out, In)  

Full–time Residency:

The full-time ministry residency would be considered a 40-hour-a-week assignment. While there is flexibility, a general guideline would be as follows: 

  • Fifteen hours dedicated to in-house ministry in a selected field – This would be in the resident’s specific area of assignment and under the supervision of the assigned staff member 

  • Ten hours dedicated to a Travis community/outreach ministry. This ministry would be tailored to the residency goals and function to meet the strategic needs of outreach to our community  

  • Seven hours in spiritual life/theological/practical preparation and instruction 

  • Six hours dedicated to weekly Sunday and Wednesday night ministry 

  • Two hours of cross-pollination (Serving and talking with various ministries of the church for a more well-rounded ministry experience) 

Part-time Residency:

Part-time residencies would be 25 hours a week. While there is flexibility, a general guideline would be as follows: 

  • Ten hours dedicated to in-house ministry in a selected field – This would be in the resident’s specific area of assignment and under the supervision of the assigned staff member 

  • Five hours dedicated to a Travis community ministry. This ministry would be tailored to the residency goals and function to meet the strategic needs of outreach to our community 

  • Six hours dedicated to weekly Sunday/Wednesday ministry 

  • Two hours of spiritual life/theological/practical instruction preparation and instruction

  • Two hours of cross-pollination (Serving and learning from various ministries of the church for a more well-rounded ministry experience) 


  • Each full-time and part-time ministry resident will be assigned a coach from Travis leadership. This coach will not be the direct supervisor but will meet with the resident for one hour each month to discuss action plans in their walk, community ministry, and church ministry.