Travis small groups exist to make disciples through studying God’s Word, living in community and serving together on mission. Simply put, small groups are the primary means in which we disciple our people. We are designed to live out the gospel together; therefore, plugging into a small group is a critical next step for every member and guest. Community Groups gather throughout the week at various locations all throughout the city. Community Groups launch during the fall and gather through the spring.
Leaders: Sophia, Kate, & Kaitlyn
Time: Thursdays at 5:00 pm
Location: TCU (contact college@travis.org)
Group: TCU Undergrads, All Girls
Leaders: Jack, Braden, Matt, & Logan
Time: Fridays at 7:00 pm
Location: TCU (contact college@travis.org)
Group: TCU Undergrads, All Guys
young ADULTS
Leaders: Cole Rehling & Blakeley Huskey
Time: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
Location: Contact Blakeley.huskey@gmail.com
Group: Young Professionals, Co-Ed
young marrieds
Leaders: Petersens & Beardshaws
Time: Sundays at 4:30 pm
Location: Contact Andrew.Petersen@travis.org
Group: Young Marrieds with kids
Leaders: Izzy, Jeremy, Aaron, Averie, & Riley
Time: Mondays at 7:00 pm
Location: TCU (contact college@travis.org)
Group TCU Undergrads, Co-Ed
Young Adults
Leaders: Peyton Callender & Sara Gaw
Time: Mondays at 7:30 pm
Location: Contact Sara.Gaw@travis.org
Group: Young Professionals, Co-Ed
Young Adults
Leaders: Jacob & Vanessa Castes
Time: Mondays at 8:00 pm
Location: Contact j.cates2000@icloud.com
Group: Young Marrieds, Young Professionals
Married Adults
Leaders: Dan & Janet Reed
Time: Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Location: Contact danielfreed@sbcglobal.net
Group: Multi-Gen, Married Adults
Contemporary Single Adults
Leaders: Lacy Cowell
Time: Sunday at 7 pm
Location: Contact Johnny.Derouen@travis.org
Group: Single Adults 40’s-60’s
For more information about weekday small groups fill out the form below and someone will contact you!