

Plan your visit

We’re so glad you’re planning to join us at Travis Avenue Baptist Church. Here is everything you need to know about your first visit to Travis, from the different ministries to all our services.


40 days of prayer and fasting

The purpose of this fast and prayer time is to ask God to stir our hearts for greater worship in our lives, families, church, and city. 

Join us in praying daily suggested prayer prompts in the guide below.

Thursday Fasting: Every Thursday from March 13th-April 17th
We will join together every Thursday to fast during the lunch hour and pray. If you are not able to come to the campus on Thursdays, please pray where you are. 


Travis Avenue Baptist Church seeks to live on Relentless Mission by helping people far from God know Christ through global, domestic, and local impact. Our goal is to equip the membership of Travis Avenue to actively and strategically reach the nations and our neighborhoods with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

While there are many great mission endeavors that we champion for the Kingdom of God, Travis Avenue has chosen to direct our focus and resources in these three areas: 

  • Church Planting Focused

  • Evangelistically Zealous

  • Discipleship Driven

 Who are we?

Travis Avenue is a congregation that seeks to unite those of various generational, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We are a church that is for the city of Fort Worth, TX and the nations.


We provide regular updates on our social media channels and through our email newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter below and follow us on Facebook and Instagram!




6:15-7:15 PM

Sojourn Groups

If you would like to meet with your Sojourn group on Wednesday night, please contact debbie.may@travis.org to secure a room assignment.  We will not self-produce the Sojourn guides this year, but there will be reading guides and questions available at travis.org for you to use with your group. 

Art of Marriage

Led by Jay and Sheree Gallagher, Room W-105

We all crave “the good stuff” in our marriages: resiliency, forgiveness, selflessness and all the rest. But how do we practice perfect love in our imperfect marriages? Essential aspects of God’s love are illuminated in Art of Marriage, bringing God’s example into practical application through each of the sessions.    Workbooks will be available for $20 per couple at the first session.  

Jay and Sheree Gallagher have been members of Travis for more than 25 years. Together, they are directors of the Young Adult Bible Study division. Jay is a deacon and oversees the security team. Sheree is a clinical psychologist.

Spiritual gifts

Led by Dan Darling, Room W-200

The topic of spiritual gifts is both popular and often misunderstood. This Bible study examines spiritual gifts biblically, helping participants see what the gifts are (and are not). Each session answers a specific common question about spiritual gifts, including how to discover and use the gifts God has given you. 

Study guides will be available at the first session for $12.00 or you may order on Amazon. 

Dan Darling is the Director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement and an Associate Professor of Faith and Culture at Texas Baptist College.


Ladies Bible Study- “12 Daring Women of the Bible”

Led by Joy Thompson, Room W-115

In this twelve-session video Bible study, some of today's best-loved Christian authors and speakers look at the spiritual lessons learned from twelve daring women in the Bible and what they mean for you today. Sessions include the Shulamite woman Deborah, the Proverbs 31 woman, Ruth, Puah & Shiphrah, Esther, Priscilla, Mary & Martha, the bent woman, the woman with the issue of blood, Elizabeth, and Anna.

The study guides will be available at the first session for $15.00 or you may order on Amazon.  

Joy Thompson is the wife of our Elder Chairman, Larry Thompson, and director of the Koinonia small group.

Digging Deeper into Exodus and Leviticus

Led by Rick Yount, Room W-106

This class analyzes the "Explore the Bible" (Lifeway) passage for the coming Sunday morning Bible Study. Designed as teacher prep for the 80% of adult teachers using this curriculum, or for adults unable to attend Sunday morning Bible study due to ministry in other age-groups or work.

Rick Yount is a retired Professor of Education at SWBTS where he taught for 31 years. Rick currently teaches an online course for B. H. Carroll Theological Institute and provides weekly training for the Sunday School teachers at Travis.


